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Get Many to One Values that Led to a Prior Error




A data.frame or NULL


If assert_one_to_one() detects an issue, the many to one values are stored in a dataset. This dataset can be retrieved by get_many_to_one_dataset().

Note that the function always returns the many to one values from the last error that has been thrown in the current R session. Thus, after restarting the R sessions get_many_to_one_dataset() will return NULL and after a second error has been thrown, the dataset of the first error can no longer be accessed (unless it has been saved in a variable).

See also

Utilities for Dataset Checking: get_duplicates_dataset(), get_one_to_many_dataset()


library(admiraldev, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

  assert_one_to_one(admiral_adsl, exprs(SITEID), exprs(STUDYID))
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : 
#>   There is more than one value of "SITEID" for some values of "STUDYID"
#>  Call `admiral::get_many_to_one_dataset()` to get all many-to-one values.

#> # A tibble: 17 × 2
#> # Groups:   STUDYID [1]
#>    <chr>  <chr>       
#>  1 701    CDISCPILOT01
#>  2 702    CDISCPILOT01
#>  3 703    CDISCPILOT01
#>  4 704    CDISCPILOT01
#>  5 705    CDISCPILOT01
#>  6 706    CDISCPILOT01
#>  7 707    CDISCPILOT01
#>  8 708    CDISCPILOT01
#>  9 709    CDISCPILOT01
#> 10 710    CDISCPILOT01
#> 11 711    CDISCPILOT01
#> 12 713    CDISCPILOT01
#> 13 714    CDISCPILOT01
#> 14 715    CDISCPILOT01
#> 15 716    CDISCPILOT01
#> 16 717    CDISCPILOT01
#> 17 718    CDISCPILOT01