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Derive a linear interpolation of rows for the CDC charts (>=2 yrs old) by age in days for the following parameters: HEIGHT, WEIGHT and BMI


derive_interp_records(dataset, by_vars = NULL, parameter)



Input metadataset

The variables AGE, AGEU, SEX, L, M, S are expected to be in the dataset

For BMI the additional variables P95 and Sigma are expected to be in the dataset

Note that AGE must be in days so that AGEU is equal to "DAYS"


Grouping variables

The variable from dataset which identifies the group of observations to interpolate separately.


CDC/WHO metadata parameter

Permitted Values: "WEIGHT", "HEIGHT" or "BMI" only - Must not be NULL e.g. parameter = "WEIGHT", parameter = "HEIGHT", or parameter = "BMI".


The input dataset plus additional interpolated records: a record for each day from the minimum age to the maximum age.

If any variables in addition to the expected ones are in the input dataset, LOCF (Last Observation Carried Forward) is applied to populate them for the new records.


library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(rlang, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

cdc_htage <- admiralpeds::cdc_htage %>%
    SEX = case_when(
      SEX == 1 ~ "M",
      SEX == 2 ~ "F",
      TRUE ~ NA_character_
    # Ensure first that Age unit is "DAYS"
    AGE = round(AGE * 30.4375),
    AGEU = "DAYS"

# Interpolate the AGE by SEX
  dataset = cdc_htage,
  by_vars = exprs(SEX),
  parameter = "HEIGHT"
#> # A tibble: 13,152 × 6
#>    SEX     AGE     L     M      S AGEU 
#>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
#>  1 F       730  1.07  85.0 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  2 F       731  1.07  85.0 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  3 F       732  1.07  85.0 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  4 F       733  1.07  85.1 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  5 F       734  1.07  85.1 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  6 F       735  1.07  85.1 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  7 F       736  1.06  85.1 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  8 F       737  1.06  85.2 0.0408 DAYS 
#>  9 F       738  1.06  85.2 0.0408 DAYS 
#> 10 F       739  1.06  85.2 0.0408 DAYS 
#> # ℹ 13,142 more rows