The cardinal initiative (formerly “falcon”) is an industry collaborative effort under pharmaverse that brings together pharmaceutical companies with the aspiration of building and open-sourcing a catalog of harmonized tables, listings, and graphs (TLGs) in clinical study reporting. Leveraging existing open-source R packages, cardinal aims to simplify the process of output review, comparison, and meta-analyses, fostering efficient communication among stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector while aligning with CDISC’s ARD/ARM effort at the same time. Drawing inspiration from the FDA Standard Safety Tables and Figures Integrated Guide, we develop open-source templates. Future plans entail expanding the catalog of templates through continuous collaboration from participating companies and inviting wider industry to promote harmonization of TLGs for clinical reporting.
Upcoming Talks & Presentations
No upcoming talks or presentations currently scheduled. Stay tuned!
See resources from past talks & presentations here.
Emily de la Rua
Abinaya Yogasekaram
Jessica Knizia
Yoshito Koujin
Korbinian Matthias
Alex Assuied
Huan Lu
Yichen Wang
Yuye Wang
Source Code
---title: cardinal---```{css}h3 {text-align:center;}```### Implementation of FDA Safety Tables and Figures#### ```{r}#| fig-align: "center"#| out-width: "2.0in"knitr::include_graphics("quarto/assets/images/logo/cardinal.png")```#### What is cardinal?The cardinal initiative (formerly "falcon") is an industry collaborative effort under pharmaverse that brings together pharmaceutical companies with the aspiration of building and open-sourcing a catalog of harmonized tables, listings, and graphs (TLGs) in clinical study reporting. Leveraging existing open-source R packages, cardinal aims to simplify the process of output review, comparison, and meta-analyses, fostering efficient communication among stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector while aligning with CDISC's ARD/ARM effort at the same time. Drawing inspiration from the FDA Standard Safety Tables and Figures Integrated Guide, we develop open-source templates. Future plans entail expanding the catalog of templates through continuous collaboration from participating companies and inviting wider industry to promote harmonization of TLGs for clinical reporting.```{=html}<div class="divButton"><button onclick="window.location.href = 'quarto/getting_started.html';" class="button">Getting Started</button><button onclick="window.location.href = 'quarto/index-templates.html';" class="button">Template Library Index</button></div><div class="divButton"><button onclick="window.location.href = 'quarto/about.html#our-collaboration-journey';" class="button">Our Collaboration Journey</button><button onclick="window.location.href = 'quarto/faq.html';" class="button">FAQ</button></div>```#### Upcoming Talks & PresentationsNo upcoming talks or presentations currently scheduled. Stay tuned!See resources from past talks & presentations [here](quarto/resources.html#past-talks-presentations).#### Contributors::: {layout-ncol="4"}::: flip-card::: flip-card-inner::: flip-card-front{width="150"}:::::: flip-card-backEmily de la Rua\Abinaya Yogasekaram:::::::::::: flip-card::: flip-card-inner::: flip-card-front{width="150"}:::::: flip-card-backJessica Knizia\Yoshito Koujin\Korbinian Matthias:::::::::::: flip-card::: flip-card-inner::: flip-card-front{width="150"}:::::: flip-card-backAlex Assuied\Huan Lu:::::::::::: flip-card::: flip-card-inner::: flip-card-front{width="150"}:::::: flip-card-backYichen Wang\Yuye Wang::::::::::::