This function generates a list of ggplots for PK concentration-time profiles.
adpc = data(),
xvar = "AFRLT",
yvar = "AVAL",
xvar_unit = "RRLTU",
yvar_unit = "AVALU",
color_var = NULL,
color_var_label = NULL,
xbreaks_var = "NFRLT",
xbreaks_mindist = 0.5,
xmin = NA,
xmax = NA,
ymin = NA,
ymax = NA,
xlab = paste0(xvar, " [", unique(adpc[[xvar_unit]]), "]"),
ylab = paste0(yvar, " [", unique(adpc[[yvar_unit]]), "]"),
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
footnote = NULL,
plotgroup_vars = c("ROUTE", "PCSPEC", "PARAM", "USUBJID"),
plotgroup_names = list(ROUTE = "Route", PCSPEC = "Specimen", PARAM = "Analyte", USUBJID
= "Subject ID"),
scale = c("LIN", "LOG", "SBS")[1],
studyid = "STUDYID",
trt_var = "TRT01A"
- adpc
A data frame containing the data.
- xvar
A character string of the variable name for the x-axis.
- yvar
A character string of the variable name for the y-axis.
- xvar_unit
A character string of the unit for the x-axis variable.
- yvar_unit
A character string of the unit for the y-axis variable.
- color_var
A character string of the variable name for the color.
- color_var_label
A character string of the color label.
- xbreaks_var
A character string of the x-axis breaks.
- xmin
A numeric value specifying the minimum x-axis limit.
- xmax
A numeric value specifying the maximum x-axis limit.
- ymin
A numeric value for the minimum y-axis limit.
- ymax
A numeric value for the maximum y-axis limit.
- xlab
Character for x-axis label. Defaults:
label &xvar_unit
.- ylab
Character for y-axis label. Defaults:
label &yvar_unit
.- footnote
A character string of a manual footnote for the plot.
- plotgroup_vars
A character vector of the variables to group data.
- plotgroup_names
A character vector of the grouping variable names.
- studyid
A character string specifying the study ID variable.
- trt_var
A character string specifying the treatment variable.
- options
A list of additional options (e.g., display scale).
Gerardo Rodriguez magic numbers for footnote position and margin, work in app up to 4 lines NOTE: might require some fine tuning down the line, looks fine now
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
adpc <- read.csv("inst/shiny/data/DummyRO_ADNCA.csv")
attr(adpc[["AFRLT"]], "label") <- "Actual time from first dose"
attr(adpc[["AVAL"]], "label") <- "Analysis val"
plots_lin <- pckg01(adpc = adpc, xmax = 1)
plots_log <- pckg01(adpc = adpc, color_var = "USUBJID", scale = "LOG")
plots_sbs <- pckg01(
adpc = adpc,
color_var = "USUBJID",
xbreaks_var = "NFRLT",
xmin = 100,
xmax = 1000,
scale = "SBS"
} # }