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We define authors as those who are actively maintaining the code base, and contributors as those who made a significant contribution in the past. For all acknowledgements, see the eponymous section in the Home Page.

  • Ben Straub. Author, maintainer.

  • Stefan Bundfuss. Author.

  • Jeffrey Dickinson. Author.

  • Ross Farrugia. Author.

  • Fanny Gautier. Author.

  • G Gayatri. Author.

  • Asha Chakma. Author.

  • Dinakar Kulkarni. Author.

  • Edoardo Mancini. Author.

  • Sadchla Mascary. Author.

  • Gordon Miller. Author.

  • Lina Patil. Author.

  • Sophie Shapcott. Author.

  • Eric Simms. Author.

  • Daniel Sjoberg. Author.

  • Stefan Thoma. Author.

  • Phillip Webster. Author.

  • Kangjie Zhang. Author.

  • Zelos Zhu. Author.

  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. Copyright holder, funder.

  • GlaxoSmithKline LLC. Copyright holder, funder.



Straub B, Bundfuss S, Dickinson J, Farrugia R, Gautier F, Gayatri G, Chakma A, Kulkarni D, Mancini E, Mascary S, Miller G, Patil L, Shapcott S, Simms E, Sjoberg D, Thoma S, Webster P, Zhang K, Zhu Z (2024). admiral: ADaM in R Asset Library. R package version,,

  title = {admiral: ADaM in R Asset Library},
  author = {Ben Straub and Stefan Bundfuss and Jeffrey Dickinson and Ross Farrugia and Fanny Gautier and G Gayatri and Asha Chakma and Dinakar Kulkarni and Edoardo Mancini and Sadchla Mascary and Gordon Miller and Lina Patil and Sophie Shapcott and Eric Simms and Daniel Sjoberg and Stefan Thoma and Phillip Webster and Kangjie Zhang and Zelos Zhu},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version,},
  url = {},