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admiral (development version)

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • The function extract_duplicate_records() was updated to consider all variables in the input dataset for the by group if the by_vars argument is omitted entirely. (#2644)
  • In slice_derivation, previously the derivation is not called for empty subsets, however this can lead to issues when the input dataset is empty. Now the derivation is called for all subsets.
  • The examples section for the function derive_var_trtemfl() was enhanced to include a showcasing of all scenarios discussed in the following PHUSE White Paper on Treatment-Emergent AEs. (#2455)

Breaking Changes

  • The following function arguments are entering the next phase of the deprecation process: (#2487) (#2595)

    Phase 1 (message)

    Phase 2 (warning)

    Phase 3 (error)

    Phase 4 (removed)


  • Added an example to the derive_vars_transposed() reference page to showcase how duplicates-related errors can arise when records in dataset_merge are not uniquely identified. (#2609)

  • Default value of type in derive_vars_aage() is now shown as interval to match the function behaviour. (#2685)

  • The “Lab Grading” vignette was updated to correct some typos and make text easier to read (#2623).

  • The “BDS Time-to-Event” vignette was updated to include SRCSEQ consistently (#2658).


Developer Notes
  • Removed CODEOWNERS file from repo (#2674)

admiral 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2025-01-15

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Added "message" as option for check_type argument in derive_var_obs_number() function. (#2481)

  • Added "message" as option for check_type argument in filter_extreme() function. (#2481)

  • Users can now specify how duplicate records are handled in derive_param_tte() using the check_type argument, with options including "error", "warning", "message", or "none", allowing for greater flexibility in managing duplicate data scenarios. (#2481)

  • The order argument has been added to event_source() and censor_source() and
    defaulted to NULL to allow specifying variables in addition to the date variable. This can be used to ensure the uniqueness of the select records if there is more than one record per date. (#2481)

  • NCICTCAEv5 grading criteria (atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5):

    • fix for TERM = "INR increased", criteria was wrongly using x ULN, for first part of criteria for grades 1 to 3. For example, ">2.5 x ULN" changed to ">2.5" for grade 3. (#2534).
    • when looking at abnormal baseline we now use BNRIND instead of comparing BASE with ANRHI, as ANRHI may differ within a subject and lab test due to data from different lab vendors. This effects 5 terms, namely, Alanine aminotransferase increased, Alkaline phosphatase increased, Aspartate aminotransferase increased, Blood bilirubin increased and GGT Increased. (#249)
    • derive_var_atoxgr_dir(): new argument abnormal_indicator to pass in value of BNRIND to indicate lab test is abnormal. This is only used for the 5 lab tests described above. (#249)
  • The keep_nas argument of derive_param_computed() was enhanced such that it is now possible to specify a list of variables for which NAs are acceptable. I.e., records are added even if some of the specified variables are NA. (#2510)

  • derive_param_tte() now provides a useful error message if in event_conditions or censor_conditions a dataset is referenced which is not specified in source_datasets. (#2519)

  • The derive_param_qtc() function accepts now both "ms" and "msec" as unit of the input parameters. (#2513)

  • In derive_vars_query() the error message was improved for the cases that some of the requested query variables are already present in the input dataset or that the queries dataset contains duplicates. (#2543)

  • derive_vars_atc() and create_single_dose_dataset() by_vars argument updated to use get_admiral_option("subject_keys") instead of USUBJID or STUDYID in bds_exposure.Rmd. (#2501)

  • The test scripts, R, and markdown files for create_single_dose_dataset() and occds.Rmd updated to include a STUDYID column because of get_admiral_option("subject_keys") update above. (#2501)

  • Update derive_vars_period() to make it work when there is only one new variable. (#2582)

  • A check was added to derive_vars_transposed() and derive_vars_atc() which stops execution if the records in dataset_merge or dataset_facm respectively are not unique. (#2563)

  • The functions derive_vars_joined(), derive_var_joined_exist_flag(), derive_extreme_event(), and filter_joined() were updated to reduce their memory consumption. As the new code increases the run-time, it is not used by default. To enable it the new admiral option save_memory has to be set to TRUE. (#2590)

  • The function compute_egfr() updated to allow missing values for sex which result in missing values for output. (#2612)

Breaking Changes


  • derive_locf_records() documentation example was fixed to display LOCF records. (#2461)

  • The “Find my function” and “Presentation Archive”” links were made more prominent in the website navigation bar. (#2536)

  • derive_var_joined_exist_flag() documentation updated with extra examples. (#2523)

  • Updated the Cheat Sheet to be in line with the 1.2 release of admiral. (#2458)

  • In the derive_param_tte() documentation is was clarified which event/censoring is selected if there is more than one at the same date (for events the first one specified in event_conditions and for censoring the last one in censor_conditions). (#2639)


  • Replace use of data("sdtm") with sdtm <- pharmaverse::sdtm in templates and vignettes. (#2498)
  • Remove dthcaus_source() calls in ADSL template because they are deprecated. (#2517)
  • Update ADEG template to flag ABLFL and ANL01FL based on DTYPE == "AVERAGE" records. (#2561)
Developer Notes
  • Created unit tests for developer internal function restricted_imputed_dtc_dt() (#2495)
  • Adopted data-raw/data R Package Convention (#2427, #2584)
  • compute_bsa() now uses the more common (but equivalent) version of the DuBois-DuBois formula for BSA. The results have not changed. (#2532)
  • Removed .devcontainer file (codespace) (#2524)
  • Restructured derive_adeg_parms.R and derive_advs_parms.R and related test files for easier reference (#2551)

admiral 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-06-17

admiral 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-07

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • group_var (optional) parameter is added to derive_var_trtemfl() to derive TRTEMFL for AE data if the data are collected as one episode of AE with multiple lines. (#2302)

  • Templates for ADPC, ADPPK and ADPP are updated to handle urine records. (#2392)

  • create_single_dose_dataset() has been updated to error if the lookup_table contains duplicates. (#2247)

  • derive_vars_merged() and derive_vars_transposed() have a relationship argument added (the same as found in dplyr::*_join() functions) for users to specify what type of join (one-to-one, one-to-many, etc.) should take place. (#2247)

  • basket_select() function updated to add ... argument to allow other qualifiers to be passed to user-defined function specified in get_terms_fun() argument for function create_query_data(). (#2265)

  • Messaging updated for derive_extreme_event() to improve clarity around duplicates. #2405

  • The id_vars argument was added to derive_vars_transposed() and derive_vars_atc() to allow additional variables, beyond those in by_vars, to uniquely identify records in the dataset_merge argument. (#2325)

  • Update PK Programming vignette and templates for ADPC and ADPPK for the nominal time formula NFRLT to reduce duplicate records in dose expansion with create_single_dose_dataset(). (#2426)

  • Template for ADSL updated so that EOSSTT is assigned as "ONGOING" when no study completion rows exist yet in DS. (#2436)

  • The slice_derivation() function was updated such that it works now when called in a function where objects from the function environment are used. (#2244)

Breaking Changes

  • The following function arguments are entering the next phase of the deprecation process: (#2299)

    • compute_egfr(wt)
    • consolidate_metadata(check_keys)
    • derive_expected_records(dataset_expected_obs)
    • derive_locf_records(dataset_expected_obs)
    • derive_extreme_event(ignore_event_order)
    • derive_vars_merged(match_flag, new_var, analysis_var, summary_fun)
    • derive_param_computed(analysis_value, analysis_var)
    • derive_param_exposure(filter, analysis_var, summary_fun)
    • derive_summary_records(filter)
    • derive_extreme_records(filter)
    • derive_var_joined_exist_flag(first_cond, filter)
    • event_joined(first_cond)
    • filter_joined(first_cond, filter)
  • The following function arguments have reached the end of the deprecation process and been removed: (#2299)

    • dthcaus_source(traceability_vars)
    • date_source(traceability_vars)
    • derive_var_ontrtfl(span_period)
    • derive_var_shift(na_val)
    • derive_vars_aage(unit)


  • Documentation for derive_extreme_event() has been updated to include a description for the value of derive_extreme_event() when keep_source_vars = NULL. (#2398)

  • The “Visit and Period Variables” vignette was updated and refactored to include example code to create a period reference dataset. (#2321)

  • The documentation of derive_vars_merged() function is updated to describe that the check_type argument is ignored (an error is issued) if order is not specified. (#2326)

  • The “User Guides” section has been reorganized. A new “Programming Concepts and Conventions” vignette was also added to provide more context and information around common admiral behaviors and ways of working. (#2395)

  • The “Get Started” section has been revamped, placing greater focus on material that may help users familiarize themselves with admiral. There are now new sections showcasing the various types of admiral functions and some of the more advanced topics have been moved to the new “Programming Concepts and Conventions” vignette. (#2395)

  • The Examples section of derive_param_computed() now contains a new item showcasing how to create a derived parameter in the case that a variable contributing to the derived parameter has some/all of its values missing. (#2338)


  • Templates and vignettes do not add or populate AVALC for BDS-findings datasets where the information contained in AVALC would be redundant with AVAL. (#2442)

  • The function dplyr::transmute() is superseded in favor of dplyr::mutate(.keep = "none"). Consequently, all the admiral functions that utilized the former have been updated accordingly. (#2274)

  • The templates for ADPP and ADPC are updated for missing variables (#2308) and to make ATPT and ATPTN consistent. (#2328)

  • ADLB template updated to make PARAM consistent for PARAMCD values "BASO" and "LYMPH". (#2327)

Developer Notes
  • In the previous version, renv was the default framework used to manage package dependencies. Now, we use devtools as our main package manager (some changes also occurred for admiralci workflows). There is a possibility to get package dependency versions used for the workflows to ensure local reproducibility. For this, you need to go under the latest action summary in your current PR. You can see a deps artifact. For each version of R used for R CMD CHECKS jobs, there is an associated renv.lock file (under the deps artifact).
  • Splitting out R and test files for date/time functions for cyclomatic complexity refactor (#2340)(#2339)
  • Created three unit tests for get_summary_records(). (#2304)
  • Created unit tests for developer internal function get_imputation_target_date() (#2378)
  • Modified date/time unit tests to use unified example (#2424)

admiral 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2024-03-05

  • Fix bug in derive_param_tte() where argument dataset populated and PARAMCD in set_values_to argument is an expression. Previously, there was a check early in function to see if PARAMCD defined in set_values_to argument, already existed in the dataset passed into dataset argument. If PARAMCD was not an expression i.e. PARAMCD = "XYZ" then check worked. However, if PARAMCD to be created was an expression, and wasn’t resolved yet, this caused an ERROR. The check has been moved to near the end of the function, where PARAMCD is resolved in the dataset holding the new parameters. (#2336)

admiral 1.0.1

CRAN release: 2024-02-01

admiral 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2023-12-15

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

Breaking Changes


  • The documentation of the by_vars and constant_by_vars argument was improved and unified across all functions where it is used. (#2137)

  • The functions assert_db_requirements(), assert_terms(), assert_valid_queries(), extend_source_datasets(), filter_date_sources(), validate_basket_select(), validate_query() are no longer exported and have had documentation removed. (#2220)

  • The function extract_duplicate_records() has been re-classified as an internal function, which means that the function still appears in our help pages but not on our website. (#2220)

  • The “Generic Functions” vignette (now “Generic Derivations”) was rewritten. Now it provides a more complete overview of the generic derivations, describe the common concepts, and makes it easier to find the appropriate function. (#2230)

  • A way to standardize roxygen labels and descriptions for function arguments was implemented and tested. (#2034)

  • A link to published CDISC Population PK (ADPPK) implementation guide was added. (#2161)

  • Removed Deprecation section in Reference tab. Added new Superseded section in Reference tab. (#2174)

  • Added a link to the previous versions of the website to the navigation bar. (#2205)

  • The meaning of date_imputation = "mid" was clarified in the documentation of the imputation functions, e.g. derive_vars_dtm(). (#2222)

  • Added an example derivation of DTHCGR1 to the ADSL vignette. (#2218)

  • Moved Development Process from admiraldev to Contribution Model in the admiral website, updated GitHub strategy. (#2196)

  • Added new drop downs in Get Started navigation bar- Getting Started, Admiral Discovery, Cheat Sheet. Community removed from top. (#2217)

  • All “Example Script(s)” sections in the User Guide vignettes were updated to point the user towards using use_ad_template("ADaM") rather than linking to the template in the code repository. (#2239)

  • Handling of NA values was added to the documentation of the order argument for all functions. (#2230, #2257)


  • Website now has button/links to Slack channel and GitHub Issues. (#2127)

  • Added example derivations of DTHCAUS and DTHCGR1 to the ADSL template. (#2218)

  • Cheat Sheet now added to website front page (#2130)

admiral 0.12.3

CRAN release: 2023-10-18

  • Fixed a bug in derive_var_dthcaus() where if a subject has observations in more than one of the sources, the one from the last source was selected regardless of the date. Now the function works as described in its documentation. (#2154)

admiral 0.12.2

CRAN release: 2023-10-06

admiral 0.12.1

CRAN release: 2023-09-25

admiral 0.12.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-12

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • The functions derive_param_bmi() and derive_param_bsa() are updated to have the option of producing more values at visits when only weight is collected (#1228).

  • The functions derive_var_age_years() and compute_age_years() are updated to return an NA age in the case that the age unit is missing. (#2001) The argument unit for derive_vars_aage() is also changed to age_unit for consistency between these age-related functions. (#2025)

  • The derive_var_ontrtfl() function has been updated to allow for the column passed in ref_end_date to contain NA values. Previously, if the end date was NA, the row would never be flagged. Now, an NA value is interpreted as the treatment being ongoing, for example. (#1984)

  • The function derive_var_extreme_flag() has a new function argument, flag_all that additionally flags all records if the first or last record is not unique. (#1979)

  • The function derive_param_computed() was enhanced: (#1968)

    • The analysis_value and analysis_var arguments were deprecated in favor of set_values_to. This enables users to compute more than one variable.
    • The keep_nas argument was added. If it is set to TRUE, observations are created even if values contributing to the computed values are NA.
  • The function derive_vars_dy() is updated to avoid potential error when the input dataset with columns ending with temp. (#2012)

  • Argument keep_source_vars was added to derive_extreme_records() which specifies which variables in the new observations should be kept. (#1697)

  • Templates, vignettes, and other uses of {admiral.test} SDTM data are updated to use pharmaversesdtm instead. (#2040)

  • The traceability_vars argument in date_source() and dthcaus_source were deprecated in favor of set_values_to. The date_source() function creates a date_source object as input for derive_var_extreme_dt() and derive_var_extreme_dtm(),users can now define the traceability variables by assigning those variables to the set_values_toargument.Similarly, the dthcaus_source creates a dthcaus_source Object. (#2068)

  • derive_extreme_event() was enhanced (#1960):

    • event_joined() events can be specified for the events argument. This allows to define events based on more than one observation, e.g., events which need to be confirmed by a second assessment.

    • The source_datasets argument was added to the function and the dataset_name field to event(). It can be used to define events based on a different dataset than the input dataset.

    • The keep_source_vars argument was added to the function and the keep_source_vars field to event(). It allows to select which variables should be kept for the selected observations.

    • The mode and order field were added to event(). They allow to select the first or last observation per by group if there are multiple observation fulfilling the event condition.

    • The ignore_event_order argument was added.

    • The description field was added to event(). It can be used to provide a description of the event in plain language.

  • derive_var_atoxgr_dir() was enhanced (#1859):

Breaking Changes

  • The compute_duration(type) argument added the "duration" type calculation, and this is the new default (previously "interval" differences were returned). See function help file for details on the difference between "duration" and "interval" calculations. (#1875)

  • The following functions, which were deprecated in previous admiral versions, have been removed: (#1950)

    • derive_var_disposition_status()
    • derive_vars_disposition_reason()
    • format_eoxxstt_default()
    • format_reason_default()
    • derive_var_worst_flag()
  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process: (#1950)

    • derive_param_extreme_event()
    • derive_vars_last_dose()
    • derive_var_last_dose_amt()
    • derive_var_last_dose_date()
    • derive_var_last_dose_grp()
    • derive_var_basetype()
    • derive_var_merged_cat()
    • derive_var_merged_character()
  • The arguments dataset_adsl in the function derive_param_exist_flag() and subject_keys have been deprecated versions using the next phase of the deprecation process. (#1950)

  • The argument wt in the function compute_egfr() was deprecated in favor of weight using the first phase of the deprecation process. (#2020)

  • The filter argument in derive_extreme_records() was deprecated in favor of the filter_add using the next phase of the deprecation process. (#1950)

  • The analysis_value and analysis_var arguments in derive_param_computed() were deprecated in favor of set_values_to (#1968).

  • The na_val argument in derive_var_shift() has been deprecated in favor of missing_value using the first phase of the deprecation process. (#2014)

  • The dataset_expected_obs argument in derive_expected_records() and derive_locf_records() has been deprecated in favor of dataset_ref. (#2037)

  • The span_period argument in derive_var_ontrtfl() has been updated to only accept TRUE or FALSE, where is previously accepted "Y" and NULL. (#2033)


  • Non-exported utility and print functions were previously listed on the admiral website reference page. They have been removed. (#2049, #2050)

  • The description of the argument reference_date in the function derive_vars_dy() has been clarified to make it agnostic to start/end selection. (#2027)

  • Date and Time Imputation User Guide/Vignette has section on preserving partial dates updated (#2028)


  • The list of package authors/contributors has been reformatted so that those who are actively maintaining the code base are now marked as authors, whereas those who made a significant contribution in the past are now down as contributors. All other acknowledgments have been moved to README section (#1941).

  • derive_vars_joined() had two bugs with regards to duplicates messaging and when new_vars was set to NULL that have now been addressed (#1966).

  • compute_dtf() had a bug with regards to imputing days to full date-time character strings. (#2042)

admiral 0.11.1

CRAN release: 2023-07-06

admiral 0.11.0

CRAN release: 2023-06-08

New Features

  • In the function derive_var_anrind(), added argument use_a1hia1lo to turn the usage of A1HI and A1LO off and on, with the default being off. (#1795)

  • Added a “Report a bug” link to admiral website. (#1836)

  • New function compute_age_years() for converting a vector of age values to years. (#1794)

  • New functions filter_exist() and filter_not_exist() for selecting records from a dataset dependent on the existence of the corresponding by groups in a filtered source dataset. (#1699)

  • New function derive_param_extreme_record() that adds parameter based on the first or last record from multiple sources. (#1822)

  • New ADPPK template script available ad_adppk.R which creates Population PK Analysis Dataset based on forthcoming CDISC Implementation guide. (#1772)

  • New function compute_egfr() for calculating Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) and Creatinine Clearance for Kidney Function. (#1826)

Updates of Existing Functions

Breaking Changes

  • create_query_data() and derive_vars_query() updated to rename variables in query data set as follows: (#1907)


    Users need to adjust their get_terms() function accordingly.

  • The aval_fun argument of derive_param_exist_flag() was deprecated in favor of the set_values_to argument. (#1727)

  • derive_var_merged_cat() and derive_var_merged_character() have been deprecated in favor of derive_vars_merged(). (#1727)

  • The following functions, which were deprecated in previous admiral versions, have been removed: (#1747)

    • derive_vars_merged_dt()
    • derive_vars_merged_dtm()
    • derive_var_agegr_ema()
    • derive_var_agegr_fda()
    • derive_param_first_event()
    • derive_derived_param()
    • derive_var_confirmation_flag()
    • filter_confirmation()
  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process: (#1747)

    • derive_var_disposition_status()
    • derive_vars_disposition_reason()
    • format_eoxxstt_default()
    • format_reason_default()
    • derive_var_worst_flag()
  • derive_param_extreme_event() was deprecated in favor of derive_extreme_records(). (#1725)

  • The filter argument in derive_extreme_records() was deprecated in favor of the filter_add argument. (#1725)

  • derive_vars_last_dose(), derive_var_last_dose_amt(), derive_var_last_dose_date(), derive_var_last_dose_grp(), were deprecated in favor of derive_vars_joined(). (#1797)

  • derive_var_basetype() was deprecated in favor of derive_basetype_records(). (#1796)

  • In the function derive_param_exist_flag() the arguments dataset_adsl and subject_keys have been renamed to dataset_ref and by_vars respectively. (#1793)


  • Updated example dataset to trigger deterioration flags in the vignette “Creating Questionnaire ADaMs”. (#1853, #1854)

  • Updated PK Programming vignette to include new Population PK Template ad_adppk.R. (#1772)

  • Updated “Lab Grading” Vignette to link to grading metadata available in admiral and clarify how abnormal baseline values are assigned in NCI-CTCAEv5. (#1863)

  • Updated “Visit and Period Variables” Vignette to add more detail about Study Specific Code that is required. (#1831)

  • Increased documentation for those functions which are regarded as wrapper functions. (#1726)

  • Examples in function documentation no longer rely on library(admiral.test). (#1752)

  • Conferences where admiral was presented were updated on the (#1890)


  • vars() which was used in the admiral function calls that expected a list of quosures has been removed. The admiral option force_admiral_vars was removed as well. (#1694)

  • derive_vars_dtm() and derive_vars_dt() had a bug pertaining to imputations associated with supplying both min_dates and max_dates that has now been resolved. (#1843)

  • Examples for derive_var_extreme_flag() were reworked to reduce runtime that occasionally led to failing CI check. (#1780)

  • create_period_dataset() had a bug that led to an error when both DT and DTM columns existed. (#1845)

  • External functions are now consistently imported via namespace. package::function() calls have been removed from admiral functions. (#1842)

  • restrict_derivation() had a bug which led to failure if the derivation argument was not in the global environment. (#1765)

admiral 0.10.2

CRAN release: 2023-04-25

  • Changing package maintainer from Thomas Neitmann to Ben Straub. (#1848)

admiral 0.10.1

CRAN release: 2023-03-14

admiral 0.10.0

CRAN release: 2023-03-08

New Features

  • Using testthat 3rd edition for unit testing. This is stricter in that messages must be addressed and deprecated functions throw errors. (#1754)

  • New function consolidate_metadata() for consolidating multiple meta datasets into a single one. (#1479)

  • New function compute_scale() for computing the average of a vector and transforming the result from a source to a target range. (#1692)

  • New ADPC template script available ad_adpc.R which creates PK Concentration Analysis Dataset (#849). This script includes formatting suitable for Non-Compartmental Analysis (ADNCA). (#851)

  • New function derive_expected_records() for adding expected records. (#1729)

  • New function derive_extreme_event() for adding the worst or best observation for each by group as new records. (#1755)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Arguments analysis_var, keep_vars were added to derive_locf_records(),
    analysis_var allows to specify analysis variable, keep_vars keeps variables that need carrying the last observation forward other than analysis_var (e.g., PARAMN, VISITNUM). (#1636)

  • The function create_single_dose_dataset() adds support for expanding relative nominal time (e.g. NFRLT) used in Pharmacokinetic (PK) analyses. The new parameter nominal_time defaults as NULL and does not change the normal operation of the function. If a nominal_time is specified such as NFRLT (Nominal Relative Time from First Dose) then the nominal time is incremented by the interval specified in EXDOSFRQ for example for “QD” records the NFRLT is incremented by 24 hours, e.g. 0, 24, 48… (#1640)

  • create_single_dose_dataset() is also updated for values of EXDOSFRQ with units in days but expected values less than 24 hours, such as “BID”, “TID”, and “QID”. Previously these values of EXDOSFRQ may result in duplicate records where the day values are incremented but the time values are not. (#1643)

  • The function derive_var_confirmation_flag() and filter_confirmation() gained the tmp_obs_nr_var argument. It helps flagging or selecting consecutive observations or the first or last observation in a by group. (#1724)

  • The functions derive_vars_merged(), derive_var_merged_cat(), derive_var_merged_character(), derive_var_merged_exist_flag(), derive_var_merged_summary(), and derive_vars_merged_lookup() were updated to allow renaming in the argument by_vars. (#1680)

  • The units “min” and “sec” are added as valid values of out_unit in compute_duration() and derive_vars_duration(). (#1647)

  • The function derive_vars_query() now includes a consistency check for QUERY_SCOPE and QUERY_SCOPE_NUM values. (#652)

  • Argument new_var in derive_param_extreme_event() is made optional. (#1630)

  • derive_vars_last_dose() no longer fails if USUBJID is not included in the input dataset. (#1787)

Breaking Changes

  • All function arguments which expected a list of quosures created by vars() are now expecting a list of expressions created by exprs(). For example, instead of by_vars = vars(STUDYID, USUBJID) by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID) must be used now.

    To enable running old scripts using vars() in the admiral function calls admiral redefines the vars() function such that it returns a list of expressions. This can be disabled by the admiral option force_admiral_vars (see set_admiral_options()). Please note that this is a temporary solution and will be removed in a future admiral release. (#1627)

  • Function derive_param_tte() has been updated such that only observations are added for subjects who have both an event or censoring and an observation in dataset_adsl. (#1576)

  • Function derive_var_disposition_status() has been deprecated, please use derive_var_merged_cat() instead. (#1681)

  • Function derive_var_worst_flag() has been deprecated, in favor of slice_derivation()/derive_var_extreme_flag(). (#1682)

  • Function derive_vars_disposition_reason() has been deprecated, in favor of derive_vars_merged(). (#1683)

  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process: (#1712)

    • derive_derived_param()
    • derive_param_first_event()
    • derive_vars_merged_dt()
    • derive_vars_merged_dtm()
    • derive_var_agegr_ema()
    • derive_var_agegr_fda()
  • The following functions, which were deprecated in previous admiral versions, have been removed: (#1712)

    • derive_var_ady()
    • derive_var_aendy()
    • derive_var_astdy()
    • derive_var_atirel()
    • derive_vars_suppqual()
    • smq_select()
    • sdg_select()
  • The following parameters, which were deprecated in previous admiral versions, have been removed: (#1712)

  • ADLB metadata data set called atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5 updated to remove unit check for HYPERURICEMIA as grade criteria based on ANRHI only. This metadata holds criteria for lab grading based on Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5.0. (#1650)

  • Renamed derive_var_confirmation_flag() and filter_confirmation() to derive_var_joined_exist_flag() and filter_joined() respectively. (#1738)



admiral 0.9.1

CRAN release: 2022-12-23

admiral 0.9.0

CRAN release: 2022-12-06

New Features

  • The new function derive_vars_joined() adds variables from an additional dataset. The selection of the observations can depend on variables from both datasets. This can be used for adding AVISIT, AWLO, AWHI based on time windows and ADY or deriving the lowest value (nadir) before the current observation. (#1448)

  • New function derive_var_trtemfl() for deriving treatment emergent flags. (#989)

  • The new function chr2vars() turns a character vector into a list of quosures. (#1448)

  • New function derive_var_relative_flag() for flagging observations before or after a condition is fulfilled. (#1453)

  • New functions get_admiral_option() and set_admiral_options() to allow more flexibility on common function inputs; e.g. like subject_keys to avoid several find and replace instances of vars(STUDYID, USUBJID). (#1338)

  • The new function create_period_dataset() for creating a reference dataset for subperiods, periods, or phases from the ADSL dataset was added. The reference dataset can be used to create subperiod, period, and phase variables in OCCDS and BDS datasets. (#1477)

  • The new function derive_vars_period() adds subperiod, period, or phase variables to ADSL. The values for the new variables are provided by a period reference dataset. (#1477)

  • New function derive_var_merged_summary() adds a variable of summarized values to the input dataset. (#1564)

  • A print() method was added for all S3 objects defined by admiral, e.g., date_source(), dthcaus_source(), … (#858)

  • New metadata data set called atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5 which holds criteria for lab grading based on Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5.0.

  • Removed the {assertthat} dependency in admiral. (#1392)

  • Removed R Version 3.6 check in CI/CD workflows in favor of the three most recent versions: 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. (#1556)

  • The new function derive_locf_records() adds LOCF records as new observations. This can be used when the input dataset does not contain observations for missed visits/time points or when AVAL is NA for particular visits/time points. (#1316)

  • New function convert_na_to_blanks() to convert character NA to blanks. (#1624)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Function derive_param_first_event() has been replaced by a more generalized derive_param_extreme_event() function with new argument mode allowing for the selection of either the "first" or "last" event record according to the conditions provided. Also the date_var argument has been replaced with the order argument instead. In addition, three new arguments new_var, true_value, and false_value have been added to allow the user to choose what variable is used to indicate whether an event happened, and the values it is given. (#1317, #1242)

  • Argument ignore_time_for_ref_end_date was added to derive_var_ontrtfl(), which controls if time is considered for the condition if start_date is after ref_end_date + ref_end_window days. (#989)

  • derive_var_atoxgr_dir() default value of atoxgr_criteria_ctcv4 removed for parameter meta_criteria. Can now also choose atoxgr_criteria_ctcv5 for parameter meta_criteria, to implement NCI-CTCAEv5 grading criteria.

  • Environment objects were consolidated into a single admiral_environment object under R/admiral__environment.R. (#1572)

  • The default value of the keep_source_vars argument in create_single_dose_dataset() was updated such that it takes the values of the other arguments into account and the start_datetime and end_datetime arguments are optional now. (#1598)

  • Function create_query_data() has been updated such that the dictionary version is stored in the output dataset. (#1337)

Breaking Changes

  • Function derive_param_first_event() has been deprecated. Please use derive_param_extreme_event() with the order argument instead of the date_var argument. (#1317)

  • Functions smq_select() and sdg_select() have been deprecated and replaced with basket_select(). In the create_query_data() function, meddra_version and whodd_version argument has been replaced by version and get_smq_fun and get_sdg_fun argument by get_terms_fun. (#1597)


  • New vignette “Generic Functions”. (#734)
  • New vignette “Visit and Period Variables”. (#1478)


admiral 0.8.4

CRAN release: 2022-10-14

  • Fixed a bug where a recent update to {lifecylce} caused several admiral tests to break (#1500)

admiral 0.8.3

CRAN release: 2022-10-07

  • Second attempt to address issue where CRAN identified a failing test when “a strict Latin-1* locale” is used (#1469)
  • Fixed a bug in derive_vars_duration() that surfaced after changes in R-devel (#1486)

admiral 0.8.2

CRAN release: 2022-09-29

  • Fixed an issue where CRAN identified a failing test when “a strict Latin-1* locale” is used (#1469)

admiral 0.8.1

CRAN release: 2022-09-20

admiral 0.8.0

CRAN release: 2022-09-05

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • list_tte_source_objects() gains a package parameter and is now exported (#1212)

  • list_all_templates() and use_ad_template() gain a package parameter which can be used to indicate in which package to look for templates (#1205)

  • Randomization Date RANDDT variable added to ADSL template and vignette (#1126)

  • Renamed derive_derived_param() to derive_param_computed() and added a deprecation notice (#1229)

  • derive_vars_duration() updated to not display units when there is missing duration (#1207)

  • value_var parameter added to derive_vars_atc() (#1120)

  • format_eoxxstt_default() - Updated the default value of EOSSTT for screen failure patients (#885)

  • The imputation functions (derive_vars_dtm(), derive_vars_dt(), convert_dtc_to_dtm(), convert_dtc_to_dt()) have been enhanced to address users feedback (#1300):

    • Partial dates with missing components in the middle like "2003-12-15T-:15:18", "2003-12-15T13:-:19", "2020-07--T00:00" are handled now.

    • The control of the level of imputation has been refined by adding the highest_imputation argument. For example, highest_imputation = "D" requests imputation for day and time but not for year and month.

      (For the date_imputation and the time_imputation argument NULL is no longer a permitted value.)

    • It is now possible to impute completely missing dates by specifying highest_imputation = "Y" and the min_dates or max_dates argument.

  • order parameter added to dthcaus_source() which allows an additional character vector to be used for sorting the dataset, derive_vars_dthcaus() updated to process additional parameter (#1125).

  • create_single_dose_dataset() Fixed bug where ASTDTM and AENDTM were not updated when start_date = ASTDT and end_date = AENDT. The function has been amended to now require start_datetime and end_datetime parameters in addition to start_date and end_date.The keep_source_vars has been added to specify the variables to be retained from the source dataset (#1224)

Breaking Changes

  • Moved all developer-facing functions and vignettes to admiraldev. admiraldev is now a dependency of admiral (#1231)

  • All ADaM datasets but admiral_adsl have been removed from the package (#1234)

  • derive_var_agegr_ema() and derive_var_agegr_fda() have been deprecated (#1333)

  • Imputation related arguments have been deprecated for all functions except the imputation functions themselves (#1299). I.e., if a derivation like last known alive date is based on dates, DTC variables have to be converted to numeric date or datetime variables in a preprocessing step. For examples see the ADSL vignette. The following arguments were deprecated:

    • date_imputation, time_imputation, and preserve in date_source()

    The following arguments no longer accept DTC variables:

    The following functions were deprecated:

    • derive_vars_merged_dt()
    • derive_vars_merged_dtm()
  • For the date_imputation and the time_imputation argument of the imputation functions (derive_vars_dtm(), derive_vars_dt(), convert_dtc_to_dtm(), convert_dtc_to_dt()) NULL is no longer a permitted value. The level of imputation can be controlled by the highest_imputation argument now.

  • The following functions, which were deprecated in previous {admiral} versions, have been removed:

    • derive_var_disposition_dt()
    • derive_var_lstalvdt()
    • lstalvdt_source()
    • derive_var_trtedtm()
    • derive_var_trtsdtm()
  • The following functions and parameters, which were deprecated in previous {admiral} versions, are now defunct and will output an ERROR if used:

    • derive_var_ady()
    • derive_var_aendy()
    • derive_var_astdy()
    • derive_var_atirel()
    • filter parameter in derive_var_extreme_flag() and derive_var_worst_flag()


  • New ADMH template script can be accessed using admiral::use_ad_template("admh") (#502)

  • New vignette “Higher Order Functions” (#1047)

  • New vignette “Lab Grading” (#1369)

  • Fixed derive_var_disposition_status() argument to render correctly (#1268)

  • Added link to pharmaverse YouTube channel to README


  • Restructured Reference page and updated all functions to use family tag in roxygen headers for finding similar functions. (#1105)

  • Rename “Articles” page on website to “User Guides” and moved developer vignettes to admiraldev website (#1356)

admiral 0.7.1

CRAN release: 2022-07-18

  • derive_vars_last_dose() no longer fails when a variable renamed in new_vars is supplied to the dose_date parameter (#1206)

  • derive_vars_duration() updated to not display units when there is missing duration (#1207)

  • derive_param_first_event() was updated (#1214) such that

    • AVAL is derived instead of AVALN and
    • all variables from the source dataset are kept.
  • create_single_dose_dataset() Fixed bug where ASTDTM and AENDTM were not updated when start_date=ASTDT and end_date=AENDT. The function has been amended to now require start_datetime and end_datetime parameters in addition to start_date and end_date.The keep_source_vars has been added to specify the variables to be retained from the source dataset.

  • slice_derivation() was updated such that it no longer fails if a slice is empty (#1309)

admiral 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2022-05-31

New Features

  • Updates to date/time imputation functions (#761):

  • New functions for merging variables (#607):

    • derive_vars_merged() - Merge Variables from a Dataset to the Input Dataset
    • derive_vars_merged_dt() - Merge a (Imputed) Date Variable
    • derive_vars_merged_dtm() - Merge a (Imputed) Datetime Variable
    • derive_var_merged_cat() - Merge a Categorization Variable
    • derive_var_merged_exist_flag() - Merge an Existence Flag
    • derive_var_merged_character() - Merge a Character Variable
  • create_query_data() is provided to create the queries dataset required as input for derive_vars_query() (#606)

  • create_single_dose_dataset() - Derives dataset of single dose from aggregate dose information (#660)

  • New functions for deriving first or last dates from multiple source datasets (#753):

  • New function derive_extreme_records() for adding the first or last observation within each by group to the dataset (#1042)

  • New function derive_param_first_event(): Add a new parameter for the first event occurring in a dataset. (#1063)

  • New function derive_param_exist_flag(): Add a new parameter indicating that a certain event exists in a dataset. (#1064)

  • New high order functions (#701):

    • restrict_derivation() - Execute a derivation on a subset of the input dataset
    • slice_derivation() - The input dataset is split into slices (subsets) and for each slice a derivation is called separately. Some or all arguments of the derivation may vary depending on the slice.
  • filter_relative() - Selects observations before or after the observation where a specified condition is fulfilled. For example, all observations up to first disease progression. (#1023)



  • New ADPP template script available ad_adpp.R which creates Pharmacokinetics Parameters Analysis Dataset (#850)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Datasets internal to the package have been renamed with prefix admiral_, e.g. adsl has been renamed to admiral_adsl. Corresponding SDTM datasets in {admiral.test} have also been renamed, to admiral_dm. These changes will impact examples, vignettes, unit tests and templates (#1108 and #1088)

  • When derive_vars_dtm_to_tm() was called for variables created by derive_vars_dtm() the function failed. This bug was fixed (#1097).

  • impute_dtc() - Fixed imputation bug. A user setting date_imputation = MID and preserve = FALSE would expect the date 2019---07 to be imputed to 2019-06-30, but the function was returning 2019-06-15. Now returns it correctly. This bug fix also addresses the issue in the downstream functions derive_vars_dt() and derive_vars_dtm(). (#1081)

  • format_eoxxstt_default() - Updated to have a more meaningful parameter name i.e. the parameter that was x is now status (#911)

Breaking Changes

  • derive_var_lstalvdt() has been deprecated in favor of derive_var_extreme_dt() (#753).

  • derive_vars_disposition_reason() now is updated such that the default is populating DCSREASP only when DSDECOD is equal to 'OTHER', which is consistent with ADaMIG_v1.3 (#886).

  • derive_vars_suppqual() has been removed from {admiral} as adding supplementary qualifiers is now done in another package called {metatools} in a function called combine_supp() and is available on CRAN (#950)

  • The filter parameter in derive_var_extreme_flag() and derive_var_worst_flag() has been deprecated in favor of restrict_derivation() (#701).

  • The following functions and parameters, which were deprecated in previous {admiral} versions, have been removed (#1056):

    • derive_agegr_ema()
    • derive_agegr_fda()
    • derive_disposition_dt()
    • derive_disposition_status()
    • derive_extreme_flag()
    • derive_worst_flag()
    • derive_obs_number()
    • derive_disposition_reason()
    • derive_var_basec()
    • derive_baseline()
    • derive_params_exposure()
    • derive_last_dose()
    • dataset parameter in lstalvdt_source and dthcaus_source
  • The following functions were deprecated in favor of derive_vars_dy() (#1076):

    • derive_var_ady() - Derive Analysis Study Day
    • derive_var_aendy() - Derive Analysis End Relative Day
    • derive_var_astdy() - Derive Analysis Start Relative Day
  • The following functions were deprecated in favor of derive_vars_merged_dtm() (#1076):

    • derive_var_trtedtm() - Derive Datetime of Last Exposure to Treatment
    • derive_var_trtsdtm() - Derive Datetime of First Exposure to Treatment
  • The derive_var_disposition_dt() function was deprecated in favor of derive_vars_merged_dt() (#1076)

  • The derive_var_atirel() function was deprecated, as it is deemed as too specific for admiral. Derivations like this can be implemented calling mutate() and case_when().


  • Additional explanation added to derive_param_* and derive_derived_param functions regarding which variables are populated in the additional rows (#939)

  • Updated derive_var_worst_flag() and derive_var_extreme_flag() vignettes to clarify their purpose (#691)

  • Added example of ASEQ derivation in ADCM to OCCDS vignette (#720)

  • Examples have been added for format_reason_default(), format_eoxxstt_default(), extend_source_datasets() and filter_date_sources() (#745)


  • Naming convention of packages change to admiralxxx from this point onwards (#968)

admiral 0.6.3

CRAN release: 2022-02-17

Address CRAN comments raised after submitting v0.6.2 (#946)

admiral 0.6.2

Address CRAN comments raised after submitting v0.6.1 (#925)

admiral 0.6.1

Address CRAN comments raised after submitting v0.6.0 (#918)

admiral 0.6.0

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • The derive_last_dose() function has been split into a general function derive_vars_last_dose() and three wrapper functions derive_var_last_dose_amt(), derive_var_last_dose_date(), and derive_var_last_dose_grp() (#385)

  • derive_var_ontrtfl() now has a new_var parameter to support the derivation of ONTRxxFL and ONTRTwFL variables (#721)

  • derive_vars_dtm(), derive_var_disposition and derive_var_lstalvdt now have preserve argument. A user can preserve partial dates when doing date imputation, e.g. 2019---07 would become 2019-06-07 by setting preserve to TRUE when doing date_imputation (#592)

  • derive_vars_dtm() now has ignore_seconds_flag argument so users can suppress "S" flag if seconds are not recorded in the data (#589)

Breaking Changes

  • derive_agegr_ema(), derive_agegr_fda(), derive_disposition_dt(), derive_disposition_status(),derive_extreme_flag(), derive_worst_flag(), derive_obs_number(), derive_disposition_reason() have been deprecated and renamed in favor of derive_var_agegr_ema(), derive_var_agegr_fda(), derive_var_disposition_dt(), derive_var_disposition_status(), derive_var_extreme_flag(), derive_var_worst_flag(), derive_var_last_dose(), derive_var_obs_number(), and derive_vars_disposition_reason() respectively (#738)

  • derive_var_basec() and derive_baseline() have been deprecated in favor of the extended derive_var_base() function (#695)

  • derive_params_exposure() has been deprecated and renamed as derive_param_exposure() (#722)

  • The derive_last_dose() function has been deprecated in favor of derive_var_last_dose_date() (#385)

  • The behavior of all functions providing the date_imputation parameter, e.g., derive_vars_dtm() and derive_vars_dt(), has changed for date_imputation = "mid". Before the date was imputed as June 15th if both month and day were missing. Now it is imputed as June 30th. For the old behavior please specify date_imputation = "06-15". Please note the behavior has not changed if only the day is missing. In this case the day is imputed as 15 (#592)

  • derive_var_ontrtfl() now has a new_var parameter to support the derivation of ONTRxxFL and ONTRTwFL variables (#721)

  • The following functions and parameters, which were deprecated in previous {admiral} versions, were removed (#513):

  • derive_var_agegr_fda() has been updated to use ranges <18, 18-64, >=65 (#829)


  • README and site homepage has been updated with important new section around expectations of {admiral}, as well as other useful references such as links to conference talks (#868 & #802)

  • New vignette Development Process and improvements made to contribution vignettes (#765 & #758)

  • Updated Pull Request Review Guidance on using task-list-completed workflow (#817)


  • GitHub repo moved to pharmaverse org and associated broken site links fixed (#803 & #820)

  • Examples have been added for format_reason_default, format_eoxxstt_default, extend_source_datasets and filter_date_sources (#745)

admiral 0.5.0

admiral 0.4.0

New Features




Updates of Existing Functions

  • Unit checks in derive_param_*() functions are no longer case sensitive (#631)

  • derive_agegr_ema() and derive_agegr_fda() gain a age_unit parameter used to specify the unit of the input age (#569)

Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes


admiral 0.3.0

New Features


  • convert_blanks_to_na() can be used to convert SAS blanks, i.e. "", into proper R NA values (#482)

  • call_derivation() enables users to call the same function multiple times with some parameters being fixed across iterations and others varying (#403)

  • derive_vars_dtm_to_dt() enables the easy conversion of datetime to date variables (#376)

  • derive_var_ontrtfl() can now handle events with a start and end date rather than just a single assessment date (#395)

  • derive_worst_flag() enables the flagging of worst records (#300)



  • derive_var_atirel() enables the derivation of the “Analysis Time Relative to Reference” (#397)

  • derive_vars_atc() can be used to add ATC variables from FACM to ADCM (#396)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • derive_var_anrind() now checks whether the AVAL variable is present in the input dataset (#486)

  • All derivation functions check whether the input dataset is grouped and throw an error if it is (#408)

  • use_ad_template() has been refactored to no longer make use of the {usethis} package which is no longer a dependency of {admiral} (#433)

  • A performance issue in derive_vars_dt() has been resolved (#384)

Breaking Changes

  • The drop_values_from parameter has been removed from derive_summary_records() (#425)

  • The format of the date_imputation parameter of derive_vars_dt() and derive_vars_dtm() has been changed from “dd-mm” to “mm-dd”. Thus, “01-12” now refers to January 12th rather than December 1st (#492)

  • Several functions have been renamed. The old names are now deprecated. They can still be used but a warning will be issued (#507)

  • The date_var parameter of lstalvdt_source() has been renamed to date

  • The filter_rows parameter of derive_summary_records() has been renamed to filter. The fns parameter has been deprecated in favor of analysis_var and summary_fun (#491)

  • The date_var and traceabilty_vars parameters of dthcaus_source() have been renamed to date and traceability_vars, respectively (#493)

  • The flag_filter parameter of derive_extreme_flag() has been renamed to filter (#487)

Bug Fixes

  • derive_agegr_fda() used to return NA for ages less than or equal 18. It now returns <=18 (#441)


  • New vignette on “Date and Time Imputation” has been created (#198)

  • A “Guidance for git Usage” has been created (#266)

  • “OCCDS” has been added as a new section on the reference page on the package website (#485)

  • The Programming Strategy has been updated (#495)

  • A search feature has been added to the package website (#438)

  • New template scripts for ADEX (#181), ADCM (#268) and ADEG (#258) have been created

  • New vignette for programming ADEX has been created (#372)

  • A section on how to create query variables (e.g. SMQs in ADAE) has been added to the Occurrence datasets vignette (#370)

  • The BDS vignette has been updated to incorporate examples of ADVS and ADEG specific functions (#371)

admiral 0.2.1

admiral 0.2.0

New Features


  • Function argument checks have been completely re-written to provide clearer error messages to users (#263, #288)

  • SDTM SUPP-- datasets can be merged onto their parent domain using derive_suppqual_vars() (#145)

  • In case a derivation detects duplicate records after applying a filter, the dataset of duplicate records is made available to users via get_duplicates_dataset() (#202)

  • derive_vars_dt() and derive_vars_dtm() gain a min_dates and max_dates parameter which can be used to ensure that the imputed date(time) is not before the min_dates nor after the max_dates, e.g. avoid that AENDT is after the data cut date or ASTDT is before the first treatment date (#158)

  • use_ad_template() can be used to open a template script for an ADaM dataset; all available templates can be displayed using list_all_templates() (#110)


  • EMA and FDA defined age groupings can be derived using derive_agegr_ema() and derive_agegr_fda(), respectively

  • Disposition Status can be derived using derive_disposition_status() (#92)

  • Disposition Reason can be derived using derive_disposition_reason()

  • Disposition Dates can be derived using derive_disposition_dt() (#91)

  • Date Last Known Alive can be derived using derive_var_lstalvdt() (#94)

  • Cause of Death can be derived using derive_var_dthcaus() (#93)



  • Last Dose Date(time) can be derived using derive_last_dose()

Breaking Changes

  • derive_merged_vars() has been removed from {admiral} in favor of smaller special purpose functions, e.g. derive_disposition_status() (#167)

  • Function arguments no longer accept expressions created with expr() or exprs() as inputs; instead filter expressions can be passed “as is” and multiple variables have to be wrapped inside vars() (#187)


      new_var = LASTFL,
      by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, VSTESTCD, VISIT),
      order = exprs(VSTPTNUM),
      mode = "last",
      flag_filter = expr(VISIT != "BASELINE")


      new_var = LASTFL,
      by_vars = vars(USUBJID, VSTESTCD, VISIT),
      order = vars(VSTPTNUM),
      mode = "last",
      flag_filter = VISIT != "BASELINE"
  • read_dap_m3() and initialize() have been migrated to {admiral.roche} (#272)

  • The start_date and end_date parameters of derive_var_ady(), derive_var_aendy() and derive_var_astdy() have been renamed to reference_date and date, respectively (#121)

Bug Fixes

  • derive_var_basetype() no longer drops records which do not match any condition defined in the basetype argument (#226)

  • Join warnings like “Column USUBJID has different attributes on LHS and RHS of join when using left_join()” are no longer displayed (#271)

  • For datetimes with time imputed to “00:00:00” the time part is now displayed (#206)