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admiraldev (development version)

Updates of Existing Functions

Breaking Changes

  • The following functions are entering the next phase of the deprecation process: (#459)

Phase 1 (warning)

Phase 2 (error)

Phase 3 (removed)

  • The argument quosures was removed in the functions vars2chr(quosures), replace_values_by_names(quosures), and get_source_vars(quosures)
  • Removed at v1.0.0 assert_named_expr()
  • Removed at v1.0.0 assert_has_variables()
  • Removed at v1.0.0 assert_function_param()



admiraldev 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-06

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Updated arg_name parameter in assert_filter_cond, assert_symbol, and assert_expr with gsub("^enexpr\\((\\w+)\\)$", "\\1", rlang::caller_arg(arg)) argument so that error messages return a quoted argument without enexpr(), e.g. filter_add instead of enexpr(filter_add). (#2404)

  • Error messaging throughout the package have been updated from rlang::abort() to cli::cli_abort(). As a part of the update, each of the assert_*() functions have new arguments assert_*(message, arg_name, call, class). (#367)

  • Warning messaging has also been updated to use cli messaging.

Breaking Changes

  • renv and related files have been removed. (#360)

  • No longer exporting is_named() function. (#401)

  • pharmaversesdtm removed as a dependency. (#434)

  • As a part of the error messaging update, the following changes were made.

    • The assert_s3_class(class) argument has been renamed to assert_s3_class(cls). (#367)

    • Functions arg_name(), enumerate(), what_is_it(), and friendly_type_of() have been deprecated and a warning is returned to any developer using these functions. As these are developer functions (as opposed to functions for typical admiral users), we will use a short deprecation cycle.


  • The “Release Strategy” vignette was updated with respect to the new branching strategy. (#353)

  • The “Release Strategy” vignette now contains a short new “Release Tracking” section linking to an external dashboard for CRAN packages that are awaiting release. (#358)


  • Removed dependencies not needed to build package or package documentation. (#426)

  • Increased minimum R version required to 4.0 to match {admiral}. (#382)

  • addin_format_testthat addin has been moved to {pharmaverse4devs} package. (#419)

admiraldev 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2023-12-15

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • assert_function() now accepts all function arguments if ellipsis, ... is in the function formals (#339)

Breaking Changes

  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process
    • assert_function_param()
    • assert_named_expr()
    • assert_has_variables()


  • New documentation in programming strategy around quoting/expressions and standardizing roxygen texts (#233, #332)
  • New documentation on how to use footnotes when writing vignettes (#324)
  • Updated language and images to adopt GitHub Flow Strategy (#349)


admiraldev 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-11

New Features

  • Calls for admiral.test have been swapped with pharmaversesdtm (#321)
  • New vignette for package writing extensions is now available (#295, #312)
  • New vignette for creating test data is now available (#282)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • The messaging for warn_if_invalid_dtc() was updated to align with what the date/datetime functions in admiral currently do. (#316)

Breaking Changes


  • Guidance around issues and merging updated (#286)
  • Common R CMD troubleshooting made into separate vignette (#286)
  • Documentation of get_dataset() was improved. (#271)
  • Minor updates to programming strategy were added (#213, #240, #260)
  • Updated unit testing vignette with snapshot testing guidance. (#302)
  • Documentation of friendly_type_of() was provided (#22)
  • Minor updates to pull request review guidance were added (#201, #292)
  • Documentation of singular versus plural function argument names was added into the programming strategy vignette. Also documentation on the common arguments missing_value and missing_values was added. (#296)
  • Documentation highlighting the difference between set_values_to and keep_source_vars (#318)
  • List of common arguments was updated (#306)


admiraldev 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-06-06

New Features

  • New function assert_named() to check if all elements of an argument are named (#241)

  • New function assert_expr_list() to check if an argument is a list of expressions (#241)

  • Added a Report a bug link on admiraldev website (#257)

Updates of Existing Functions

Breaking Changes

  • assert_order_vars() was deprecated in favor of assert_expr_list(). (#241)

  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process: (#272)

    • quo_c()
    • quo_not_missing()
    • replace_symbol_in_quo()
  • The quosures argument was replaced by the expressions argument in replace_values_by_names().


  • The deprecation strategy was updated regarding unit tests for deprecated functions/arguments in phase 1. (#247)

  • The programming strategy was updated regarding permitted values and calling functions from package dependencies (#72, #253)

admiraldev 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-03-06

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Using testthat3e (testthat 3rd edition) for unit testing. This is stricter in that messages must be addressed and deprecated functions throw errors. (#230)
  • Slight boost to test coverage for dev_utilities (#102)
  • Fix datatable styling for documentation (#197)
  • The assert_character_vector() function gained a named argument to check that all elements of the vector are named. (#70)
  • The assert_list_of() function gained a named argument to check that all elements of the list are named. (#203)
  • The quote_fun argument of enumerate() was extended such that NULL can be specified to request no quoting of the elements. (#203)
  • The assert_list_of() function was enhanced such that it also considers the type of the element, e.g., to check if a value is a list of symbols. (#208)

Breaking Changes


  • New section in programming strategy regarding comments (#71)
  • Removed requirement to add @author tags to code scripts from programming strategy, as we will only be tracking authors in the DESCRIPTION file. Authors have been removed from function documentation in line with this update. (#206, #210)
  • Removed On-boarding Issue Template (#225)
  • Increased clarity for the scope of the package (#232)

admiraldev 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2022-11-30

New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • expect_names argument added to assert_vars() to check if all variables are named (#117)
  • Remove dplyr function exports and migration of user facing function negate_vars() to admiral (#83)

Breaking Changes

  • No longer compatible with admiral (<0.9)


  • New vignette for our package release strategy (#79)
  • Updated multiple roxygen headers (#116, #133, #134, #141, #145, #172)
  • Description on how admiral options work for certain function inputs, i.e subject_keys (#133)


  • PR Checklist Template updated (#172)
  • New authors/contributors (#158)

admiraldev 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2022-08-26

New Features

  • Developer specific functions brought over from admiral
  • Developer specific vignettes brought over from admiral
  • New admiraldev website created

Updates of Existing Functions

  • NA

Breaking Changes

  • NA


  • NA


  • NA