Extension Expectations
To be included as an admiral package extension we expect developers to adhere to the following standards:
- Code of Conduct
- Manifesto
- Programming Strategy
- Follow consistent workflow checks
- A CRAN Release means 90% or greater test coverage
We have developed this repository template in order to reduce the burden on developers to follow these standards. This template will also help to harmonize the admiral family of R packages, to ensure a consistent user experience and ease of installing and adopting all the packages. With this in mind, we expect the same core package dependencies and versions as used for admiral.
What is included in the template
The repository template includes the following:
- License file (Apache 2.0 - but company co-developers need to be added to copyright section)
- Required folders (R; test; templates; vignettes; etc)
- Set-up files (DESCRIPTION; NAMESPACE; etc)
- Issue Templates (Bug Template; Feature Request; Documentation Request/Update; Onboarding)
- Pull Request Template
- Workflow actions (a selection of generic and specific CI/CD auto-checks)
- Package badges (Test coverage; etc)
- Branch protection rules
Package Extension Guidance
For detailed information regarding the ethos of admiral package extensions and how to decide if you should set your own one up, please see our Package Extension Guidance. You will also find details about team setup, suggested workflow and lessons learned from past package extensions.