This outlines how to propose a change to the sdtm.oak package. For more detailed info about contributing to {sdtm.oak}, and other pharmaverse packages, please see the Contribution Guide as well as other Developer Guides in the Articles section of the {admiraldev} website.
Please note that we try to align to best practices used in other R packages’ development processes - so veteran developers should be familiar with our processes. However, we do deviate slightly from some best practices and we advise all new contributors to review our package documentation accordingly.
For each new contribution, the user creates an issue on the issue tab on GitHub to put it in our backlog. The issues can range from bug identification and/or fixes, enhancements to functions, documentation, tests or new features.
We advise you to contact us when an issue is created via Slack (If you don’t have access, use this link to join). We can discuss details or align expectations if you are not familiar with the sdtm.oak philosophy and programming strategy. The team will try to review the issues within the next backlog meeting and give some initial feedback. Since we are not a 100% fully resourced software development team it might be that some issues will take longer to respond to depending on the amount of overall issues.