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sdtm.oak V0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-09-03

The V0.1.0 release of {sdtm.oak} users can create the majority of the SDTM domains. Domains that are NOT in scope for the V0.1.0 release are DM, Trial Design Domains, SV, SE, RELREC, Associated Person domains, and EPOCH Variable across all domains.

  • Functions for commonly used SDTM mapping Algorithms
  • Functions for SDTM derived variables
  • Functions to support {sdtm.oak}
    • generate_oak_id_vars() to derive oak id variables
    • read_ct_spec() to read the controlled terminology spec
    • Functions to create conditioned dataframes to support if then else conditions in SDTM mappings
  • Articles
    • Algorithms
    • Creating an Events SDTM domain
    • Creating a Findings SDTM domain
    • Conditioned Data Frames
    • Converting dates, times or date-times to ISO 8601
    • Path to Automation

Further details on this Release