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Date/time collection formats




A tibble of 20 formats with three variables:


Format string.


Whether a date, time or date-time.


Description of which date-time components are parsed.


#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#>    fmt         type     description                                             
#>    <chr>       <chr>    <chr>                                                   
#>  1 ymd         date     Parses a date: year, month, and month day.              
#>  2 y m d       date     Parses a date: year, month, and month day.              
#>  3 y-m-d       date     Parses a date: year, month, and month day.              
#>  4 dmy         date     Parses a date: month day, month and year.               
#>  5 d m y       date     Parses a date: month day, month and year.               
#>  6 d-m-y       date     Parses a date: month day, month and year.               
#>  7 ym          date     Parses a date: year and month.                          
#>  8 y m         date     Parses a date: year and month.                          
#>  9 y-m         date     Parses a date: year and month.                          
#> 10 my          date     Parses a date: month and year.                          
#> 11 m y         date     Parses a date: month and year.                          
#> 12 m-y         date     Parses a date: month and year.                          
#> 13 HM          time     Parses a time: hour and minutes.                        
#> 14 HMS         time     Parses a time: hour, minutes, and seconds.              
#> 15 H:M         time     Parses a time: hour and minutes.                        
#> 16 H:M:S       time     Parses a time: hour, minutes and seconds.               
#> 17 ymdH:M:S    datetime Parses a date-time: year, month, month day, hour, minut…
#> 18 ymd H:M:S   datetime Parses a date-time: year, month, month day, hour, minut…
#> 19 y-m-d H:M:S datetime Parses a date-time: year, month, month day, hour, minut…
#> 20 y m d H:M:S datetime Parses a date-time: year, month, month day, hour, minut…