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In this vignette, we will create a log with axecute() while using the tidylog package. The goal of tidylog is to provide feedback about dplyr and tidyr operations. tidylog provides simple wrapper functions that provide feedback for almost all dplyr and tidyr functions, such as filter, mutate, select, full_join, and group_by.

Using logrx we will now capture this feedback on dplyr and tidyr functions and place it into the Messages, Output, and Result of our logrx log file. We will look at two cases in this vignette.

Logging a simple script with {logrx} and {tidylog}

Below we have a simple script using the us_rent_income dataset. We will explore just a few functions available in tidyr and dplyr: pivot_wider, arrange, distinct, bind_cols and left_join.

Using axecute(ex1_tidylog.R) we produce a log file. Below we snapshot just the pertinent information for users interested in the tidylog feedback. This feedback is placed by the logrx package into the Messages, Output, and Result section of the log.

Logging an ADSL script with {logrx} and {tidylog}

Now we use an R script that creates an ADSL dataset and get a log file. This file was generated using the admiral package for creating ADaM datasets. We can quickly generate this file by using the following command admiral::use_ad_template("adsl").

Feel free to explore the script. The next section showcases the output for the log file after we have used axecute on the script.

We only showcase the feedback in the script relevant to our discussion on tidylog. Again, the logrx package places feedback from tidylog into the Messages, Output, and Resultsection of the log file.

Success!! We just axecuted two scripts using logrx and tidylog. Remember that feedback from tidylog is placed into the Messages, Output, and Result section of the log file.