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Style Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow checks and enforces coding style using styler on R files. The workflow is triggered manually (workflow_dispatch) and can also be invoked as a workflow call (workflow_call).

Workflow Structure

The workflow consists of a single job: check-r-release.

check-r-release Job

This job get latest R tag (checking dockerhub container registry). This workflow is mainly here for admiralci developers to be warned if a new version of R is released (then a manual update of OLD_RELEASE env variable need to be done). Note: If latest R tag is different from OLD_RELEASE this job will end-up will fail status.

  • r-version: The version of R to use. Default is ‘release’.
  1. List rocker/rstudio tags: Request dockerhub registry to list all available tags. Then apply regexp pattern to retrieve only tags with ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ pattern, and take the highest tag.
  • workflow_dispatch: Manually triggered workflow with optional inputs.
  • schedule: Run every sunday at midnight UTC.


  • contents: write: Write permissions for repository contents.