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CRAN Status Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow checks the CRAN status of an R package. It can create an issue if specified statuses (‘NOTE’, ‘WARN’, ‘ERROR’) are reported on the check report. Note : this workflow is using insightsEngineering Cran Status Monitor action.



  • Description: Whom should the issue be assigned to if errors are encountered in the CRAN status checks? This is a comma-separated string of GitHub usernames. If undefined or empty, no assignments are made.
  • Default: ’’
  • Required: No
  • Type: string


  • Description: Create an issue if one or more of the following statuses are reported on the check report. This is a comma-separated string of statuses. Allowed statuses are ‘NOTE’, ‘WARN’, and ‘ERROR’.
  • Default: ‘ERROR’
  • Required: No
  • Type: string


  • Description: Path to the R package root, if the package is not at the top level of the repository.
  • Default: ‘.’
  • Required: No
  • Type: string

Workflow Triggers

This workflow is triggered in two ways:

  1. Manual Dispatch: You can manually trigger the workflow using the “workflow_dispatch” event. When triggered manually, you can specify the issue-assignees, statuses, and path.

  2. Workflow Call: The workflow can also be triggered by another workflow using the “workflow_call” event. The issue-assignees, statuses, and path are inputs for this event.

Workflow Setup

  • Permissions: write-all
  • Concurrency: CRAN status jobs are organized by the pull request number or branch.
  • Cancel-in-progress: Allows canceling in-progress CRAN status jobs.

Job: cran-status

This job checks the CRAN status of an R package. It runs on the latest version of Ubuntu and uses the rocker/tidyverse:latest Docker container.


  1. Run CRAN Status Action: Runs the CRAN Status Action with specified inputs.