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WARNING: this article is outdated (codespaces need to be re-designed since we decided to stop handling dependencies with renv) - WIP


This article will go over the following:

  • What are codespaces, why we are using it for Admiral, and how to use them.
  • How codespaces are built (this section concerns more admiralci developers to be able to maintain codespaces - it’s not needed to use codespaces, but interesting for users that want to learn more about admiral CI/CD processes).

Go here to watch codespaces demo !

What are codespaces and how to use them

What are codespaces, and why are we using it for Admiral ?

Codespaces are development environments hosted in the cloud. These environment are running on virtual machines and can be customized. For admiral we setup custom codespaces with all admiral dependencies installed (system dependencies, renv.lock files packages, staged dependencies from staged_dependencies.yaml file). Then every contributors of admiral can use these codespaces and run Rstudio in their web browsers as a development environment, without having to install locally every dependencies, and without any compatibility problem with their local machines / operating system.

How to use codespaces

Create a codespace

On the main repository, go under <> Code menu -> Codespaces -> ... -> + New with options.

Then this menu will appear :

Go under Dev container configuration drop-down menu, and select the codespaces wished (you can choose between several R versions). Note: Pressing directly + button will automatically create codespace for the latest R version available (4.2).

Accessing Rstudio

To open rstudio in your browser, type rstudio on your current terminal. This script will wait until rstudio server is ready, and display the url in the terminal.

Known issue:

Sometimes ports are not automatically forwarded at the codespace creation. If you have some problems trying to access rstudio url, check the PORTS section on vscode :

If you don’t see 8787 port, then you need to manually add it (using “Add Port” button).

Usage limit / Pricing

The following storage and core hours of usage are included, free of charge, for personal accounts:

  • GitHub Free for personal accounts:
    • Storage per month:15 GB
    • Core hours per month: 120
  • GitHub Pro:
    • Storage per month:20 GB
    • Core hours per month: 180

For more details, see the github codespaces billing

Codespaces building process (for admiralci developers)

Base docker image

Our codespaces are using a base docker image. These image is located inside admiralci container registry. Admiral is configured to be used with several versions of R. These versions are defined under renv/profiles folder (with an associated renv.lock file). Therefore, there is a docker image available for each R_VERSION named admiralci-{R_VERSION}. Note that the building step for these images is described here. There is a codespace configuration available for each R_VERSION, based on its associated docker image admiralci-{R_VERSION}.

.devcontainer.json files

Codespaces configuration are defined under .devcontainer.json files (inside .devcontainer folder). There is a .devcontainer.json file defined for each R version. Every json fields are described here :

In our case we are using following configuration:

  • name : Name of the devcontainer displayed in the web browser

  • image : Base docker image for the codespace (in our case ghcr admiralci based image)

  • features: (see for every available features for rocker containers). We use r-rig feature to install R and some dependencies + vscode requirements.

  • customizations: used to customize IDE (vscode) settings.

  • forwardPorts / portsAttributes: Rstudio ports configuration.

  • updateContentCommand: used to run staged.dependencies installation (for more details see staged dependencies doc)

  • postCreateCommand: command launched after the container creation (in our case we activate the proper R profile from renv/profiles folder).

  • Note that Commands postCreateCommand, updateContentCommand (and also onCreateCommand but not used here) are always run to finalize container setup. they are run in this following order : onCreateCommand > updateContentCommand > postCreateCommand.

Prebuild codespaces

In settings -> codespaces, you can see “Set up prebuild”. This feature allow to prebuild codespaces to be able to speed up users codespaces creation. On the main configuration menu, the branch containing codespaces has to be selected, and there is a drop-down menu where an user can select one of the .devcontainer.json configuration. There is also the “prebuild triggers” menu to configure when to run a prebuild for a given .devcontainer.json file. For every admiralci codespace we choose the “On configuration change” trigger.

Then when a user is creating a codespace, he will see this message “prebuild ready” - it will speed-up the codespace creation.


Each time a change is detected inside .devcontainer folder, the propagation job will be triggered.

Improvement ideas

We can see that every .devcontainer.json files have the same structure. the only variant is the based docker image depending on the R version. We could define an action in our CI/CD workflow to auto-generate these .devcontainer files based on renv/profile folder.