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WARNING: this article mention codespaces configuration. The Admiral codespaces feature is still in progress, and current codespaces article is outdated for now.

Propagate .devcontainer Files Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow is specific to the admiralci project. It is designed to propagate changes in .devcontainer files (for codespaces configuration) to multiple repositories within the project.



  • pull_request: Triggered on pull requests targeting the main branch and specific file paths.
  • workflow_dispatch: Allows manual triggering of the workflow.


  1. Checkout this repo: Checks out the current repository.
  2. Checkout specified repository: Checks out the specified repository based on the matrix configuration.
  3. Update files in the specified repository: Updates .devcontainer files in the specified repository.
  4. Commit and push changes: Commits the changes and pushes them to the repository.
  5. Create Pull Request: Creates a pull request in the specified repository, assigning reviewers.

Matrix Configuration

The propagation job uses a matrix strategy to iterate over specified repositories with different configurations. (MR with new .devcontainer file will be created for each element of the matrix, with associated reviewers field)

  - name: admiralonco
    target-branch: main
    reviewers: bundfussr, cicdguy
  - name: admiraldev
    target-branch: main
    reviewers: bms63, cicdguy