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Spelling Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow performs spellchecking on the specified R files. The workflow is triggered manually (workflow_dispatch) and can also be invoked as a workflow call (workflow_call).

Workflow Structure

The workflow consists of a single job: spellcheck.

spellcheck Job

This job runs spellcheck on R files.

  • r-version: The version of R to use. Default is ‘release’.
  • exclude: List of paths to exclude (comma-separated list). Default is an empty string.

The spellcheck job is skipped if the commit message contains [skip spellcheck].

  1. Get branch names: Extracts branch names.
  2. Checkout repo (PR): Checks out the repository based on the event type (pull request).
  3. Checkout repository: Checks out the repository for events other than pull requests.
  4. Restore cache: Restores cached dependencies.
  5. Run Staged dependencies: Runs staged dependencies action.
  6. Install dependencies from DESCRIPTION: install dependencies from DESCRIPTION (in case of missing dependencies in parent admiralci docker image)
  7. Run Spellcheck: Executes the spellcheck action on specified R files.


  • workflow_dispatch: Manually triggered workflow with optional inputs.
  • workflow_call: Invoked as a workflow call.


  • contents: write: Write permissions for repository contents.

Note : It’s possible to ignore some spell checks using inst/WORDLIST file. It’s possible to update it automatically using directly spelling::update_wordlist()